2. Add a dataset

2.1. Quickstart: Use demo datasets

Download the demo datasets seen on the live EDB demo. Follow install instructions in the included README.

File: EDB_demodata.tar.gz (270Mb)

md5sum: d529107a0ac482f4d39f70ea0e7546aa

Note: If you installed EDB using the custom dockerfile, you already have the demo data.

2.2. Basic steps

Follow these steps to add a new dataset to the EDB. As an example, we use the demo BS-seq dataset from Lister, Mukamel et al. (2013). Science, which charts DNA methylation over human postnatal brain development.

Let us assume that EDB datasets are all located at <dataRoot>.

Step 1: dataset config: Create a master config file for the dataset.

Step 2: phenotype matrix: Add a table specifying sample phenotypes/metadata properties, and links to the sample-wise data

Step 3: data: Assemble the data files and any required index files (e.g. tbi for tabix files).

Step 4: group order: Add a file to specify the ordering of categorical variables

2.3. Example directory structure for datasets

This is what a simple project directory structure should look like when you are done. The example below assumes that all datasets and associated config files are located at <dataRoot>. Coloured arrows show how the master config file references the phenotype table and group order table.

Conceptual view of project directory

In this example we have two datasets, one showing epigenetic dynamics in mouse brain development and the other, for human. Here, config_location.txt points to a directory which also contains all browser-related metadata and the data files themselves:

         |---- mouseBrainDev_config.txt *symlink*
         |---- humanBrainDNAMethylome_config.txt *symlink*
         |---- mouseBrainDev/
                        |---- config.txt
                        |---- pheno.txt
                        |---- group_order.txt
                        |---- data
                                  |---- GSM123456_mm9.bw
                                  |---- GSM654321_mm9.bw
                                  | ...
                                  |---- GSM9999_mm9.bw
         |---- humanBrainDNAMethylome/
                        |---- config.txt
                        |---- pheno.txt
                        |---- group_order.txt
                        |---- data
                                  |---- PCW4.bw
                                  |---- midGestation_Cortex.bw
                                  | ...
                                  |---- PostPuberty_AnteriorCingulateCortex.bw

2.4. Dataset config file

The dataset config file contains general metadata for the dataset. It is a tab-delimited file with two columns: a key (controlled word for config parameter) and value.

2.4.1. Format and required fields

key description
name Dataset name; human-readable (~70 char)
description Brief description of dataset; human-readable (~170 char)
platformName Short description of platform on which data was generated; human-readable (~30 char)
datasetConfig Path to sample phenotype table
groupCols Column names of sample phenotype table <add-data-pheno> that EDB should allow samples to be grouped by; comma-separated list, case-sensitive
groupOrder Path to group order file
defaultGroup Name of group that serves as the default value in the Group by dropdown box of EDB interface; must be a column name of the sample phenotype table <add-data-pheno> , case-sensitive
chromSizes Path to text file containing genome sequence sizes. This file should be the output of fetchChromSizes from Kent utilities at UCSC.
genomeName Name of genome build ; must correspond to a UCSC release name <https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQreleases.html>
ideoFile Path to text file corresponding to UCSC cytoBandIdeo table. Header?
annoConfig Path to config file for genome annotation. TODO: Add link
datatype Datatype. Currently, one of { bigwig , BSseq }. Indicates how data should be processed; most single continuous traces (e.g. coverage, tiling microarrays) can use the ‘bigwig’ setting.

All the above fields are required and must not contain missing values.

2.4.2. Variables for different datatypes


This datatype has no required parameters.


  • BSseq__COV_POS: Column index of tabix file which contains base coverage
  • BSseq__M_POS: Column index of tabix file which contains number of methylated reads at that base (“M” read count)

2.4.3. Example dataset config file

# REQUIRED: MAIN config flags --- must be in all datasets
# ----------------------------------------------
name    Human brain development methylome (base-resolution BS-seq)
description DNA modifications assayed by whole-genome bisulfite sequencing over postnatal development. Samples from Lister, Mukamel et al. (2013). Science. 341. GEO:GSE47966.
platformName    BS-seq; Illumina HiSeq 2000.
#Path to dataset config file (sample file source location, group names, etc.,)
datasetConfig   /<dataRoot>/ListerEcker_2013/pheno_ListerEcker2013.txt
groupCols   Age_Group,Cell_Type,Sex
groupOrder  /<dataRoot>/ListerEcker_2013/group_order.txt
defaultGroup    Age_Group
# path to chromosome sizes  - output of Kent utilities fetchChromSizes
chromSizes  /<dataRoot>/anno/hg19/hg19.chrom.sizes
genomeName  hg19
ideoFile    /<dataRoot>/anno/hg19/cytoBandIdeo.txt
annoConfig  /<dataRoot>/anno/hg19/anno_config.txt
datatype    BSseq
ylabel  % methylation
# OPTIONAL: DATATYPE-specific; flags must have prefix <datatype>__
# Leave section blank if there are no flags.
BSseq__COV_POS  6
BSseq__M_POS    5

EDB requires that all dataset config files be located at the path specified in the special config_location.txt file. Recall that this file is at <EDBServerRoot>/config_location.txt.

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2.5. Sample phenotype table

This tab-delimited file contains sample-wise metadata, including locations of data files. Each row should contain data for one sample, and each column should contain a unique type of metadata. Column order is unimportant to the browser. The browser expects the following columns, named exactly in this way:

2.5.1. Format

column name expected value
sampleName unique identifier, no spaces
bigDataURL absolute path to data source (e.g. .bw file)
... all grouping columns as described in the grouping order file.

2.5.2. Example phenotype table

sampleName  Age_Group   Cell_Type   Bank_ID Sex bigDataURL
Human_35_do Early Childhood Tissue  UMB 759 M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM116700
Human_2_yr  Early Childhood Tissue  UMB 5180    M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1167005_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_mfg_2yr.chr1.txt.gz
Human_5_yr  Early Childhood Tissue  UMB 1185    M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1166274_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_mfg_5yr.chr1.txt.gz
Human_12_yr Tween   Tissue  UMB 616 M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1164630_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_mfg_12yr.chr1.txt.gz
Human_16_yr Adolescence Tissue  UMB 1158    M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1164631_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_mfg_16yr.chr1.txt.gz
Human_25_yr Adult   Tissue  UMB 1829    M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1164632_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_mfg_25yr.chr1.txt.gz
Hs 55 yr tissue Adult   Tissue  UMB 797 M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1173775_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_fc_male_55yr_tissue.chr1.txt.gz
Hs 55 yr NeuN+  Adult   Neurons UMB 797 M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1173776_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_fc_male_55yr_NeuN_pos.chr1.txt.gz
Hs 55 yr NeuN-  Adult   Non-Neurons UMB 797 M   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1173777_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_fc_male_55yr_NeuN_neg.chr1.txt.gz
HUES6   Immortal    ESC -   F   /My_Shiny_DataDir/data/GSM1173778_allC.MethylC-Seq_hs_hues6.chr1.txt.gz

2.6. Groups and grouping order

The group_order.txt file is a tab-delimited file containing a table of two columns: #. groupID: Group name, must match a column name in the phenotype matrix #. groupOrder: Order in which group members must be shown. Comma-separated collection of values. All values for a given group must be specified here. The browser will return an error if any additional group members are found in the phenotype table but are not listed here.

In addition to these groups, the browser allows a non-grouping option - i.e. viewing sample-specific data - with “Grouping: (none)”.

2.6.1. Example group order file

groupID groupOrder
Tissue  Brain,Sperm
Diagnosis       Control,Schizophrenia,Bipolar disorder
TimeOfSampling  Before_Treatment,During_Treatment,After_Treatment

For this dataset, the browser would show 4 grouping options: Tissue, Diagnosis, TimeOfSampling, (none).

The (none) option is automatically added, and allows samples to be inspected individually instead of being grouped.

3. Adding demo datasets

This section is added for completeness. Demo datasets have not yet been made publicly available. - SP 5 Sep 2014.

In this example, the demo data and config files are contained in a directory named “Shiny_BrowseR_Github_data”.

From the source machine, rsync the datasets to the machine where the EDB instance will be hsoted. The data directory should be in a location readable by the user shiny, which will run the EDB app.

rsync -avL --progress Shiny_BrowseR_Github_data $DEST_MACHINE:/.

On the destination machine, we update the path in the metadata files to reflect the path on our new machine. Replace the substitution sed command with one relevant to your source and destination paths.

Below we update the paths in the data dirs as well as the annotation directory (anno/hg19).

cd /Shiny_BrowseR_Github_data
rm *_config.txt
cd mTAG_BrainSperm
sed -i 's/\/src\/path\/dir/\/dest\/path/g' *.txt
cd ../ListerEcker_2013
sed -i 's/\/src\/path\/dir/\/dest\/path/g' *.txt
cd ../anno/hg19
sed -i 's/\/src\/path\/dir/\/dest\/path/g' anno_config.txt

Create a symlink to dataset-specific config files in the data directory

We change /srv/shiny-server/EDB/config_location.txt to point to our new data directory path: /Shiny_BrowseR_Github_data

At this point, refresh the EDB. If the “Choose dataset” dropdown box is populated, shiny can see the datasets.

"Choose dataset" dropdown box populates, indicating EDB can see the data directory and read the config files.

If not, stop here and check the following:

  • Is the data root directory in a location with read permissions for user “shiny”?
  • Have the paths been correctly updated for all dataset directories?
  • Is config_location.txt pointing to the correct data directory?

4. Adding custom annotation tracks

Annotation files are expected to live under <dataRootDir>/anno where <dataRootDir> is the directory to which config_location.txt points. Sources are organized by genome build as in the example below. EDB uses the BioConductor Gviz package to construct annotation objects. Refresh the EDB browser page and reload dataset to see the listing of new annotation sources.

4.1. Directory structure for custom annotation

       |------ hg19/
                        |------ cpgIslandExt.txt
                                |------ cytoBandIdeo.txt
                                |------ TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.refGene.sqlite
                                |------ anno_config.txt
       |------ mm9/
                        |------ cpgIslandExt.txt
                                |------ LAD_NPC_mm9.txt
                                |------ anno_config.txt

4.2. anno_config.txt

anno_config.txt s used by EDB to get a listing of all available annotation for a genome build. EDB gets the genome build for the current dataset as the value of the genomeName variable in the dataset config file. It then refers to <dataRootDir>/<genomeName>/anno_config.txt for a list of all annotation available for that genome build. anno_config.txt is expected to be a tab-delimited file with rows representing each annotation source, and the following columns:

column description
trackName one-word unique identifier for track
name title of track as it would appear in EDB (<50 char)
description (currently unused)
trackType See allowed values below
defaultView [dense|squish|full]. Similar to UCSC tracks.
bigDataURL absolute path to source file
color (currently unused)
format See values in table below.
sizes number between 0 and 1. determines the height of the track. See plotTracks() method in Gviz

Columns except description and color must not have missing values.

EDB currently supports the following file formats. Behaviour is undefined if the format-trackType combinations below are not respected.

EDB format input file format / object EDB trackType
tabix tabix (.gz,.gz.tbi) AnnotationTrack
bigwig bigwig (.bw) AnnotationTrack
txdb BioC TranscriptDB object (.sqlite) GeneRegionTrack

Visit these pages to learn more about the tabix , bigwig and BioC TranscriptDB format/objects.

4.2.1. Sample anno_config.txt file

trackName   name    description trackType   defaultView bigDataURL  color   format  sizes
cpgIslands  CpG Islands CpG Islands AnnotationTrack dense   /home/docker/EDB_demodata/anno/hg19/cpgIslandExt.bed.gz green   tabix   0.15
refGene RefSeq genes    RefSeq genes    GeneRegionTrack squish  /home/docker/EDB_demodata/anno/hg19/TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.refGene.sqlite  mediumblue  TxDb    0.1

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